Christian Distinctiveness

Collective Worship

At Weston St Mary Church of England Primary School, the daily act of collective worship is viewed as an integral and important part of school life. Through this, and in the general ethos of the school, we seek to promote our mission statement Inspire Believe Achieve rooted in our belief that “I can do all things through Him that strengthens me.”  Collective worship is a time where we come together to share our love of God and celebrate our achievements (and sometimes failures) together.

Worship also promotes the Christian values which permeate the ethos of the school. As such, the contributions of staff, pupils, church clergy and other visitors are valued highly.

As a church school, collective worship is an important part of our school timetable and as such, takes place daily. During Collective Worship, we light a candle to both symbolise Jesus (as light of the world) and also as a visible sign that worship has started and ended.

Worship is organised as follows:

  • Monday – 09:00 Whole school Collective Worship, led by Father David.
  • Tuesday – 09:00 Whole school Collective Worship
  • Wednesday – 09:00 Class Collective Worship
  • Thursday – 09:00 Whole school Collective Worship led by pupils
  • Friday – 09:00 Whole school Celebration Collective Worship

We are lucky to have visiting clergy who support our collective worship on a regular basis.

We try to ensure close links with our church:

  • October: Harvest festival
  • December: Christmas Service and Nativity
  • February: Spring service
  • April: Easter service
  • June: Summer Service
  • July: Leavers service
Prayer and Reflection

Collective worship always includes a time of prayer and/or reflection. A range of prayers is used including the Lord’s Prayer, school prayer, prayers written by the children and others. 

At the beginning of the lunch hour, grace is said by either an adult or child in each class. Teachers lead classes in prayers at the end of the school day.
